The Romanian Academic Society of Management (RASM) publishes this year the volume “RELEVANT APPROACHES AND CASE STUDIES ON THE MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS IN ROMANIA, IN THE CONTEXT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC”, which brings together a set of theoretical, methodological and pragmatic elements. We believe that they can facilitate and contribute to the restructuring and reshaping efforts of the management in the current context, strongly marked by the pandemic, amid the transition to a knowledge-based society and economy and comprehensive and accelerated digital transformations.
Being the first book in Romania to address management issues related to the crisis triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic, this paper brings together 15 case studies and 11 approaches to this crisis, developed by 36 specialists, members of The Romanian Academic Society of Management and representative managers from the organization’s five branches.
We are convinced that this paper will have a consistent contribution to knowing the latest developments in the business environment, connecting students to the realities and specifics of organizations in Romania, but also to solving managerial and economic problems generated by the current crisis, thus actively and responsibly preparing future developments in the economic and social environment.
Prof.univ.dr. Ovidiu Nicolescu
Prof.univ.dr. Ion Popa
Prof.univ.dr. Dănuț Dumitrașcu

In the first decade of December the scientific research report “THE HEALTH OF MANAGEMENT IN ROMANIA IN 2019”, edition 11 was published by Prouniversitaria Publishing House. The volume, totaling 504 pages is made under the auspices of the Romanian Academic Society of Management (RASM) and is based on questioning and interviewing a representative sample of 859 management specialists from companies and 21 universities.
The paper is structured in 3 chapters:
- evaluation of Romanian management on 4 levels, at the national level, public administration, companies, training and management consulting;
- the evolution of the management in Romania in the period 2009-2019, differentiated on the 4 domains;
- priorities and strategic-tactical improvements of the Romanian management in the European context, which incorporates 92 priorities, directions and ways of improvement, in the long, medium and short term.
Through the analyzes, dynamics and prospective elements it contains, the paper is particularly useful for companies, universities and research centers, management training and consulting, bodies that make up the national and territorial public administration, managers in all fields and students who specialize in management or want to become managers.
THE HEALTH OF MANAGEMENT IN ROMANIA IN 2019 is a pragmatic expression of the potential of the RASM community, of its capacity to contribute to the development of Romania’s management and economy.

In November 2020, the Prouniversitaria publishing house published the “White Paper on SMEs in Romania 2020”, made by CNIMMPR in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and with the contribution of the Faculty of Management within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.
The work was coordinated by prof.univ.dr. Ovidiu Nicolescu, having as authors prof.univ.dr. Ciprian Nicolescu, prof.univ.dr. Cezar Simion, Dr. Stefan Corcodel, Daniel Uratu and Cristof Camelia. The volume, which totals 341 pages, is structured in 14 chapters, two for the presentation of samples of entrepreneurs and SMEs respectively, two for the analysis of the business environment, eight for an in-depth investigation of the main activities and performances of SMEs, and one for final “Directions of approaches and economic and social measures operationalized in 2020-2021”.
The research highlights significant aspects of the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on SMEs and the Romanian economy, especially useful not only for entrepreneurs and business managers, students and professors in economics, and those who manage politically, administratively and economically Romania.

"Crisis management in organizations - an adaptive approach" Authors: Levente-Attila BAKOS, Dănuț-Dumitru DUMITRAȘCU
The book, published by Prouniversitaria Publishing House, was written by Levente Bakos (Sapienția University of Cluj Napoca) and Dănuț Dumitrașcu (“Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu), professors with great experience in management, in general, and in the study of organizational crises, in particular.
The paper is part of the current of management science which seeks alternatives to the concepts of classical management of F.W. Taylor or H. Fayol. The theses formulated by the great classics of management, more than a century ago, and still embedded in today’s practice, are based on the reality of the first era of the industrial revolution. However, the current conditions call for a new approach, closer to the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
Even if reference is made to the industry, it should not be thought that this book is oriented towards it, on the contrary, it is intended to demonstrate its general usefulness in crisis situations in various fields. For example, the recent COVID19 pandemic demonstrates this aspect, highlighting the new valences in crisis communication, the need for short-term adaptation, flexibility and decision-making capacity in conditions of uncertainty and risk, elements that the authors highlight and explain in this work.
The perspectives of crisis management, in the authors’ opinion, converge towards management based on a more adaptive approach, characteristic of a constantly changing society such as today, subject to various influences, of different intensities, on all levels (economic, socio-cultural, of the physical, international environment, etc.).
The paper was reviewed by two great specialists in management, prof. Emeritus dr. Ovidiu Nicolescu – president of RASM and prof.univ.dr. Ion Popa – vice-president of RASM, emphasizing in the elaborated reviews, the usefulness and actuality of the information contained in the paper, the book thus actively participating in the preparation of future developments in the economic environment.