Management and Economics Review
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. univ. Dr. Carmen Nadia Ciocoiu
MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS REVIEW is an online publication of the Faculty of Management within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, which aims to promote, through its articles, the scientific research activity in the field of economics and management, encouraging the spirit of free, critical thinking and renewal of economic knowledge.

Review of General Management
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. univ. Dr. Camelia Cristina Dragomir. Review of General Management (RGM) promotes in its pages relevant and current results of studies and research dedicated to science and practice in the field of management. The journal has been published continuously since 1998, with a frequency of two issues per year (March and October). Since 2010, the publication has been included in the category of journals scientifically sponsored by the Romanian Academic Society of Management (RASM).

Management & Marketing – Craiova
Management & Marketing Journal – Craiova was founded in 2003, together with the first edition of the workshop “Management and marketing skills”, which regularly brought together in a scientific forum, prestigious specialists from the two fields, university professors, students and practitioners.

Review of International Comparative Management
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. univ. Dr. Marian Nastase.
The Review of International Comparative Management (RMCI) is a journal published in English under the coordination of the National Center of Excellence for Comparative Management Studies within the Faculty of Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. RMCI also appears under the auspices of RASM.

Business Excellence and Management
Editor in chief: prof. Univ. Dr. Andreea ZAMFIR.
The journal Business Excellence and Management aims to promote advanced research in management, business excellence and collaboration between academia and practitioners in private and public organizations. The journal is published online (, with a frequency of 4 issues per year, to which are added special issues with current issues in economic and social life.

Management of Sustainable Development - The Journal of „Lucian Blaga“ University of Sibiu
The journal Management of Sustainable Development is the scientific framework created for the publication of scientific research papers by specialists, analysis and debates on all issues related to the development and management of sustainable development in all fields of activity.
Currently, the journal is indexed in several international databases:
- Baidu Scholar
- Cabell’s Directory
- CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Celdes
- CNKI Scholar (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
- EBSCO (relevant databases)
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- EconBiz
- Genamics JournalSeek
- GeoArchive
- Google Scholar
- Index Copernicus
- J-Gate
- JournalTOCs
- KESLI-NDSL (Korean National Discovery for Science Leaders)
- Naviga (Softweco)
- Primo Central (ExLibris)
- ProQuest (relevant databases)
- ReadCube
- Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
- ResearchGate
- Sherpa/RoMEO
- Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest)
- TDNet
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb
- WanFang Data
- WorldCat (OCLC)